Employer Sign-Up

Ready to help your workforce stay connected and engaged?

Wanido (“wanna-do”) is a secure, workplace well-being platform that helps employees feel valued by keeping them connected to the company, their coworkers, their health, and their finances. We are confident your company will become stronger and more unified as people take charge of their well-being, share ideas, and encourage one another.

Why employers love Wanido: 

  • Dashboards and reporting provide transparency to the issues that need to be addressed
  • Set-up takes minutes
  • Simple to administer and virtually no maintenance
  • 24/7 access for everyone at every location
  • Personalized well-being experience for each employee

To get started:

  1. Fill out the sign- up form
  2. Schedule a call with a Wanido Engagement Leader
  3. Follow the prompts to complete set-up
  4. Upload your employee census details
  5. Notify your employees of this new solution
  6. Contact us or email wanihelp@wanido.com for any assistance along the way!
Check out this 2 minute video!
Check out our other videos here. 
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